Gestation Length | Birth Wt kg | 200 Day Wt kg | 400 Day Wt kg | 600 Day Wt kg | Mat Cow Wt kg | Milk kg | Scrotal Size cm | Carcase Wt kg | Eye Muscle Area sq cm | Rump Fat mm | Retail Beef Yield % | Marble Score | Marble Fineness Index | Self Replacing Index | Fullblood Terminal Index | F1 Terminal Index | Breeder Feeder Index |
-0.100 60% | +4.3 67% | +18 69% | +33 67% | +49 66% | +63 58% | -10.0 58% | -0.900 52% | +33.00 63% | +5.200 59% | +1.0 59% | +1.0 59% | +1.60 60% | +0.3300 52% | +$301 | +$210 | +$182 | +$ 298 |
DELFQ111 DELTA REVOLUTION Delta Wagyu International is excited to introduce Revolution to the American Wagyu Breeders. His sire is none other than the carcass giant Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku L195. Revolution’s ratings above 300 for both Wagyu Breeder and Self Replacing Indexes place him amongst the top 1% of the Wagyu Breed. His EBV ratings of +61 kgs for Mature Cow Weight and +33 kgs for Carcass Weight surely suggest using Revolution to create an entire replacement herd heifers for your own ranch. The added EBV bonus of +4.5 for Eye Muscle Area only adds fuel to the notion that DELTA REVOLUTION is a true carcass sire..
B3F, CHSF, CL16F, F11C, F13F, IARSF (Free)