“The World’s Place for purchasing Top Ranked Genetically tested Wagyu Semen”
All the Sires that are on offer here, will appear both on a matrix that offers you an easily observed EBV value and accuracy data base as well as a link to their individual page. You can search and realign the sires in order of category or index trait by selecting the category title.
Each sire has a declaration as to which country his semen is available and located in. Many of the Sires are stored in multiple countries and as such are rapidly available to ship in many places throughout the World.
Most Sires on offer are available at discounted pricing based on volume of purchase.
** Many of the Sires offered here are also available for commercial terminal cattle production as well on a large volume purchase arrangement. These straws require a signed agreement as to their usage at time of purchase. **
Upon order placement you will receive an invoice via email. If paid by credit card you will receive an email release for the straws to the facility of storage. Which will allow you to contact them and make your shipping arrangements. Shipping is always the expense of the buyer.
If payment is made by Check to the main office, the email release will be issued as soon as the funds have cleared.
Please direct any inquiries to
1866 Omni Blvd
Mount Pleasant, SC 29466